Six Weird Things About Me...

Six Weird Things About Me...

Mother Crone's Homeschool: Six Weird Things About Me... is highly entertaining, so stop by her blog and give it a read. My thanks to her for tagging me. Now if I can only think of six weird things about me I am willing to share.

  1. I'll start with one of Mother Crone's I too am fascinated by religions and the study of religions. I really enjoyed reading Lost Christianities: The Battle for Scripture and the Faiths We Never Knew By: Bart D. Ehrman, so I was pleased to discover he had created a course on Lost Christianities: Christian Scriptures and the Battles over Authentication the lectures are available on DVD.
  2. I like to cook, on the other hand I hate cleaning up the kitchen after I cook.
  3. I like to dust, OK truthfully I just like the chance to rearrange my knick knacks, dusting is the excuse I use.
  4. I have a long narrow foot. I wear a size 11 tennis shoe and a 91/2 (4A) dress shoe. As you can imagine finding shoes to fit is a major pain in the you know what. Local shoe stores refuse to carry shoes in my size. I have to order my dress shoes online. If you have the same problem I recommend Zappos.
  5. I love to climb, but I am terrified of heights.
  6. I don't understand phonics at all. Thankfully the school I attended used the whole language approach. I just don't hear the sounds the letters are suppose to make. Apparently I am a visual learner.

OK, now to tag six people. Natalie I hope you have time to play. From the Homeschool Cafe I am tagging Natalie, from Bashing Everyone & Everything Lord Epa is it, and at Stonewall's Boer Goats I tag Stonewall, at Why Homeschool Henry gets tagged, Lioness at We Have Always Lived in a Homeschool and last but not lest is Ave at School of Thought (she has a really cute blog site design), I really like her other blog Evolved Homeschooling (so be sure to check it out for some great secular science resources).

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