Smilin' Smooch

Smilin' Smooch

Why is Smoochie smiling?

It's not just because he has an underbite.

No, he is smiling because he is surrounded by beautiful girls... his chicks, as he likes to call them.

It's a temperate fall afternoon and everyone is just hanging out in the goat pen.

Chickens, goats, guineas...

Even Annie is relaxing with the chickens.

O'Malley can't stand the curiosity any longer and comes over to meet Annie.

"Save me, Mom...goats scare me!"

I often get questions about our blue or green eggs.
They are layed by a specific breed of chicken called an Auracana.

These lovely hens have very tiny combs...

and fluffy cheek muffs.

Very sadly we said goodbye to old Ivanka yesterday.
For the past two years she has lived in the barn and shared her heat lamp with Moll Cat.
Ivanka was quite an unusual chicken and loved her daily petting session.
We'll miss you, Ivanka!

- Growing Chickens
I am happy to say that the hens that arrived as just-hatched-chickson April 1st are laying now. Every day I am getting 2 ½ to 3 dozen eggs. Lovely, aren't they?I love an egg carton full of eggs of varied color and size. Hubbs takes our eggs to...

- For The Birds
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- The Comb Says It All
You can tell a lot about the health of a chicken from the look of its comb. A healthy hen will have a bright red comb... that stands upright. A pale comb, or one that lays over on its side is the telltale sign ofa stressed hen.Poor Mathilda, here,...

- The Nitty Gritty
This post may be old news to you who have your own chickens,but to you who do not....well....a little chicken education.(and hopefully not as gross as the past two days, right?) I thought today we might explore the digestive system of the chicken.Fun,...

- My Hero
Each spring we go through a period of time when the local foxes are hunting for their kits.  During that time our chickens are in great peril and free ranging has to stop for a couple of weeks.  This year that time came a bit early. The other...

