Somethings Only A Woman Will Understand

Somethings Only A Woman Will Understand

OK, if any guys read my blog you totally aren't going to get this post so you might as well skip it. I finally worked up the nerve to try on my jeans. During the summer I wear mostly shorts and during the fall I wear mostly dress pants (which for some reason fit loser then my jeans), so when cool weather hits and it's time to drag my jeans out of storage I am always faced with that nagging fear, what if they won't zip this year???????

I am happy to report that they zipped.

- My Response To Mr. Rosemond's Absurd Article
Mr Rosemond, you are extremely off base in your article on uniforms. The parents who are opposed to mandatory public school uniforms are the parents who always made sure there children were dressed in compliance with the dress codes at their schools (Dress...

- South Hall Middle School No Longer Requires Its 950 Students To Wear Uniforms
South Hall Middle School no longer requires its 950 students to wear uniforms. The school began last Thursday allowing students to either wear uniforms, a mixture of royal and baby blues, or abide by the district's regular dress code. Principal...

- No Fooling!
Happy, happy April 1st!!Although I have something to crow about... I am going to whisper it to you. I hate to jinx myself by proclaiming this loudly.Come a little's just the best news. Spring has arrived. After fearing for weeks that...

- Morning Chore Smiles
I have to tell you, I am loving this weather.50 degree mornings make me want to just skip from chore to chore.Sweaters, sweatshirts, jeans, work gloves....oh, I am cozy as can be.The only thing better than Autumn weather,is a fire in the fireplace while...

- It's Still Winter!
Have you ever noticed that as soon as Christmas is over, stores and catalogs start showing spring and summer wear? They call it cruise-wear or resort-wear.... as if everyone heads to a warmer climate after the holidays. Well....not us, not here at...

