Spring Fever

Spring Fever

The front pasture was the scene of pure, unadulterated joy,
yesterday afternoon,
as I opened the gate for the first time in a month...

allowing the horses and donkeys the freedom to run wild.

The gate opened, like the starting gate at the Kentucky Derby,

and seven equines came flying out...
heels kicking,
manes flying,
hearts pounding,

throwing all caution to the wind...

running and leaping with wild abandon,
first through the little bit of snow still left melting on the ground,

and then through the soggy earth that had just days ago been covered with layers of snow and ice.

Squishy earth gave way to pounding hooves and deep divots were left in their wake.

The front pasture had not been victim of such an assault in many months.
But if it were in any way aware of the joy behind each of those earth-digging hoof prints,
it would not have minded.

We all had a taste of spring this weekend...
a luscious, juice-dripping-off-your-chin taste of the deliciousness
of a day where the sun feels warm on your face
and a gentle, warm breeze tickles the hairs on your arms.

Mother Earth teased us with a 60+degree day on Saturday and 
a 50 degree day on Sunday.
Most of our snow has melted...

with the exception of the orchard,
that area called home by Ginger and MaryAnn (pigs) and Gracie and her girls (sheep).

Inches of snow still remain in this little Siberian side of the farm,
and I am certain we may still have snow there come June!

The weekend was more than a tease...
it was the promise of days to come...
days that will surely never be taken for granted!

- Snow Vs. Mud
And the snow just keeps on melting.There are small rivers running through the farm right now. I stepped through the gate into the pig yard yesterday and sunk in mud up to my ankles. Mud!Where the snow is not....the mud is! The pig yard and sheep yard...

- A Record Breaker!
Apparently we had the storm of the century this weekend.All I know is...it snowed and snowed and snowed.And then it snowed some more! By the time all was said and done,we had around a foot and a half...more in some spots. It's no surprise that we...

- Friends
You might think me odd when I tell you how exciting yesterday afternoon was for me.But then again, if you know me, you won't think it odd at all! Yesterday afternoon was Super Duper Pooper Scooper afternoon! After a month with snow on the ground...

- Rainy Silliness
Yesterday afternoon I ran to town to do some Christmas shopping. I left the Littles in the front pasture for the afternoon, as the weather was cold and cloudy. Sometime while I was in town, however, it started to rain. This is what I came home to......"Hey...

- Quiet Winter Scenes
Being from Africa, Guineas are not so fond of snow and ice, and so they spend most of these days seeking shelter on the Dutch doors to the horse stalls. This was the view from the top of Bee Haven Lane yesterday after the snow ended. Off to the far right...

