Stupid people take offense to program meant to help cats and dogs find homes

Stupid people take offense to program meant to help cats and dogs find homes

An animal shelter pulled the plug on a program promoting the adoption of black cats and dogs after criticism that the event would have taken place the same week as a holiday commemorating freedom for enslaved blacks.

The Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter planned to reduce adoption fees from June 14-20 for black-coated animals through a "Black is Beautiful" promotion.

Eleven of 17 dogs and 12 of 24 cats at the shelter have black coats, shelter director Cheryl Schneider said. "It's just a known fact that black cats and black dogs are difficult to adopt," she said.

The shelter was trying to do a good thing and help some cats and dogs that needed a loving home find one. But thanks to these peoples stupidity now they can't

Nelson Linder, president of the Austin chapter for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, told the newspaper the promotion was "not very well planned or considered."

In our opinion the only thing ill-considered is this man and his group's criticism of the program. What does he and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People have against black cats and dogs? Why did they want to stop the shelter from finding homes for them?

"In society, we live in small worlds, don't talk to people, assume things and promote things that have no basis in reality," Linder said. "I would encourage them to do more outreach on those animals. Talk to people, get some feedback so these things don't happen."

What things? Things like stupid people complaining about a program to help animals. Really Mr. Linder and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People should find something better to complain about. Maybe we can start the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Animals and complain about this groups preventing the shelter from helping our furry friends.

We miss our adorable black cat Whiskers and hope others will open their homes and hearts to a cat or dog no matter what color it is. June is adopt a cat month, we hope if you can you will.

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