Subject Matter

Subject Matter

Each day when I compose my blog post,
I worry that tomorrow I will have nothing to say, nothing to write.

And then tomorrow comes and it is as full as today.
I guess I should stop worrying about this.

Take yesterday for example....

I began the day in the midst of a torrential downpour.
By the end of morning chores I was soaked to the skin.
And...I wondered what I would write about.
The day seemed mucky and soggy... not much else.

And then the sun came out.

So, while I was doing afternoon chores,
I found a few possibilities for posting.

The Ducks.

It seems that I have a Mama who just might be bringing ducklings into the world.

Inside the duck hut is a nest full of eggs.
Each morning, when I go in to get some feed,
she is there crouched low, protecting her eggs.

The Chickens.

If you follow my blog, you will remember a week or two ago
when I posted about how sorry Rod Stewart was looking.
You see, he was molting....badly.
The good news is....
Rod once again has a tail (albeit small).

And he is one happy rooster!

The Nigerians.

My dwarf Nigerian goats have shed some of their winter fat
and their winter coats and are once again up to their high-jinx
on top of their houses.

Please excuse me, but I saved the best for last.

Tyler and the Turkeys.

I often write about my amazement at how different species 
can so calmly and peacefully co-exist.
Yesterday afternoon was the perfect example of this.
Sitting near the grape arbor
(the buds are just beginning to open on the grape vines)
were me, Jenn, Tyler, 

Maddie, Hickory, Sam, Oakley,

the turkeys,
and the guineas.

At one point, Tyler started to crawl after Tom Tom.
Watch the video to see what happens....
(if you are reading this post on facebook,
you will need to go to my blog to see the video... )

It almost seems as if the turkeys are protective, doesn't it?

Amazingly this went on for quite a while.  
These crazy turkeys just love to follow us around!

I had several requests for a recipe for the loaf of bread in yesterday's post.
I will post this for you over the weekend.

Have a great weekend!
See you on Monday for more tails from the farm.

- Blueberries, Turkeys And Tyler
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- Chicken Eggies, And Other Wonderful Adventures
It was a splendid weekend with my buddy!We spent some time with the animals... climbed trees... and swam in the pool. Of course the turkeys had to follow us to the pool. We had a picnic in the pavilion.... which was also attended by the turkeys!...

- Sundays
Sundays are such special days on the farm... usually reserved for time with family. The days are much the same... morning chores followed by a huge farm breakfast.This weeks menu included Greek (duck egg) omelets, local bacon, fresh blueberries...

- It's All In A Day!
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- Pour Yourself A Cup Of Tea....this Is A Long Post!
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