Summer....Like A River

Summer....Like A River

The days of summer flow like a lazy river...
warm, liquid, always moving forward...

We jump into the current and float along...
hoping that it will never end.

Our summers on the farm are measured by the produce that is in season.

We start our journey when waters are cool and the strawberries are ripening.
We climb out and look for shelter when the water turns cold again
and the root vegetables are pulled from the earth.

And in between we are carried by a warm and nurturing current that teems with life...
filling ourselves with the goodness of the earth...
nourishing our bodies and energizing our souls.

As the days pass, we drift from strawberry season to blueberry season.
The waters warm and become shallow with the lack of rain that accompanies blackberry season.
Almost without realizing it, that is where we find ourselves right now.
The blueberry bushes will soon be empty and the blackberries are abundant.

And so our daily picking continues...
only the location changes.

The garden is full and lush and bountiful now...
with peppers and tomatoes ripening daily.

The beets, turnips, broccoli, green beans, kale and chard are a mainstay of our diet,
while we eagerly await the arrival of sweet corn.

I love the garden at this point of the summer.
Each box is full of lush foliage and colorful roots peek from beneath the soil.

Spending time just observing the activity of the insects and butterflies

as they flit from flower to vegetable, to flower again
is a favorite activity...
and one I long for when cold settles over the land again and the river is frozen.

But for now I will allow myself to drift along with the current of summer,
taking time to dip my toes in its warmth...
savoring each moment...

ever aware of where the current is eventually taking me.


PS:  The remaining blueberries and this new crop of blackberries quickly became
another batch of jam...Mixed Berry Jam...Hubbs' favorite!

And tell me.....

Is there anything better than sinking your teeth into an enormous 
piece of watermelon?


- Berry Time!
One of our favorite times is here...and by now you know that we have many favorite times around here! It's berry season. And that makes us berry, berry happy!! Strawberries, big and juicy... lusciously sweet...are appearing daily in the new strawberry...

- Thoughts On A Frosty Morning
To every thing there is a season,and a time to every purpose under Heaven. I have always loved and held onto those words.And now, living on the farm, there are none truer. I have spoken before about the rhythm of life on a farm...the ebb and flow of...

- This And That
I swear that if we studied the bees a little more,we would find that a beehive can be used as a natural thermometer.The hotter the day, the more bees cling to the outside of the box. So, I guess you can tell by that picture that it is a hot, lazy afternoonhere...

- Au Revoir Bluettes!
It was with a bit of sadnessthat I picked the last of the blueberries yesterday.I know, these look enormous,but it is just the camera angle. Well, we have enjoyed blueberry crisp,blueberry salsa,fresh blueberries on ice cream;and the pantry is full of...

- Sneak Peak...berries
This is what my strawberry patch has in it right now....lots and lots of blossoms.And....some immature fruit.In just a few short weeks we will be overflowing with red, ripe strawberries. Oh,  I can hardly wait...strawberry jam,strawberry shortcake,strawberry...

