Summer Comes To An End

Summer Comes To An End

Sammy:  "Can you believe what a beautiful day it is here?"

"It's almost Autumn, but the days are still warm like summer.
And today is so warm I don't even feel like playing with the goats,
so I am just here watching them, and soaking in the sun."

"Mom is over in the henhouse, collecting eggs."

"Maddie, Oakley and I are resting here by the gator.
It's hard work keeping up with Mom!"

Meanwhile in the goat pen, Sally was relaxing in the shade,

when these two gals plopped down behind her...
with no regard to personal space.

Pretty soon the girls were rolling around in the dust, creating quite a cloud.

Amazingly, Sally didn't even seem to notice.
The girls, having finished their baths, got up and marched right past her...
without so much as a "thank you".

The goats are very tolerant of the chickens,
and don't seem to mind their obvious lack of manners.
Maybe we should write a book on manners for the chickens.
What do you think?

Maybe Ginger and MaryAnn should write it...
their manners are impeccable!
That is, if MaryAnn can stay awake long enough to finish a sentence! is a special day here on the farm.
We have a visitor for the day...
Waaaahooooo!!  What fun we're going to have!

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