Sunday with Scylla ~ Butterflies

Sunday with Scylla ~ Butterflies

Mommy was able to get a picture of a few of our butterfly visitors. This is a pretty orange butterfly, we think it may be a Monarch Butterfly, but we are not sure.
Can you see the yellow butterfly on the Candle Bushes? It is very hard to spot when it is on them.

It is getting a little cooler here, we have the windows open sometimes, but it is still hot enough for the beans to wear shorts. We have some pretty wildflowers here. Mommy enjoyed the yellow daisies and the purple flowers she saw on the way to and from the grocery store.

- Butterfly Garden ~ Party For Charlie ~ Flower Show Day 2 Post 1
I (Scylla) am very glad you could join me, in the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden.  This is a Vitex, we are going to let ours be a shrub.  Our Butterfly Bush Bottlebrush  Lantana  Whiskers' Grave  And as promised a butterfly......................................

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- Butterfly Weed
Butterfly Weed An extremely hardy, long-lived perennial native to North America. The flowers produce a large quantity of nectar which attracts butterflies throughout the growing season. Blooming period: June-September Produces a very deep taproot making...

