Sunny Days Are Made For Play

Sunny Days Are Made For Play

Forgive me for going on and on about what an absolutely magnificent summer we are having.

It has been the most perfect summer of my life, I think...
or at least for the years in which weather was so important.

I can hardly believe that we have only used the air conditioning two days this whole summer.
We sleep each night under a quilt with temps dropping into the low 60's and 50's.
Morning chores are often done with a sweater on.

Morning fogs, leftover from nighttime rains, are gone by noon...
leaving the sky picture-perfect.

I consider this a gift of the highest order...
especially for me (a non-lover of hot weather).
Yes, it's love of the heat has waned over the years...
due mostly to the necessity of outdoor work.

I breeze through the winter months all bundled up in layers,
but wilt in the summer with not enough layers to remove.
(Naked farm work is generally frowned upon... and dangerous, too!)

Animals and humans alike are quite comfortable with the present conditions.
The weather, combined with lots of hard work makes this possible...

It's what's for dinner!

As for the animals...everyone has much more energy when it's not terribly hot.
The pigs have had no need to swim...
keeping cool enough just lying in the shade.

I may have mentioned some time back that the pigs have a special language that they 
seem to use only with me.
They always grunt a greeting when someone comes in for a visit.
But occasionally they "talk" to me as if they have something really exciting to say.

Sunny afternoons are the perfect time for a little play.

Annie-Oakley love to play fetch...

and for the most part they take turns nicely.

Sam, on the other hand favors contact petting.

Panting, they all come over to the shade of the gazebo for a rest.

And, guess who shows up to join us?

Wherever the fun is...
that's where you'll find Tom and Chuck!
They are most definitely our party animals.

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