

Life if full of SURPRISE(S).

This woodpecker has a SURPRISE in the willow tree. The woodpecker has made a nest in the willow tree and is feeding it's babies. We enjoyed listening to the sounds they made.

Mommy was going to hook Fenris' leash up to the trailer while she took a picture of the woodpecker but she was SURPRISE(D) by this spider.

The woodpecker was a good SURPRISE, the spider was a bad SURPRISE.

- Wildlife Wed With Arty Mouse
 Guess what there is a Woodpecker in the top of this tree. I am going to get him, just you wait and see.  Getting closer.  Blast it where did he go.  He flew away and now I am in the very top of the Willow Tree all by myself.  Mommy!!!!!...

- Wildlife Wednesday
This Woodpecker has a nest in our Willow Tree. We thinks it is a Red-bellied Woodpecker. When the boy beans were little they called them Halloween Birds. ...

- Vistors
These plump birdies have been visiting us. We thinks they are checking out the garden. This kitty came to visit. Mommy gave her some food which she seemed to appreciate, but she was gone the next morning. We hopes she has a loving home somewhere. Some...

- True Believers, Agnostics And Atheist
Nah! this post doesn't have anything to do with religion the title refers to the bird worlds split over the Ivory Billed Woodpecker (aka The Ghost Bird). The Ivory Billed Woodpecker was believed to be extinct, the last confirmed sighting was in 1944....

- Star's Starbabies....finally
You must admit, Star's triplets are adorable...and they are all mini versions of her. This is a picture of Sheryl-lyn, a friend from MaryJane's Farm who came to spend the day on the farm. She is holding Star's tiny doeling, born 2 days ago....

