Temper Tantrum Thursday by Scylla

Temper Tantrum Thursday by Scylla

I do NOT like rain (hiss). Just look what the rain did to my lovely furrs!!!! I Queen Scylla forbid it to ever rain again.

(Hiss, Hiss) Mommy it is still raining! who do I bite to get it to stop??????

This weather is unacceptable! (lots more hissing)

- Scylla Sunday ~ The Yoga Kittens Have To Go, Cause I Said So
I smell KITTENS in MY Hummingbird Cottage. The BAD Mommy brought them down here to play. They are suppose to be FOSTER Kittens, they are suppose to be gone by now, but NO! now everybody wants them to stay, even MY Friends in Blogville. I hiss and growl...

- Scylla Sunday
I am going on a walk with Mommy during a brief period of NO RAIN. If it doesn't stop raining soon so the ground can dry up and Youngest Boy Bean can cut the grass it is going to be over my head. Of course all the rain means the Crawfish are out. Gotta...

- Scylla Sunday
I am dreaming of King Brian. He makes me purr with delight. Do you think boys like getting flowers? This very interesting flower was on our cactus. We thinks cactus are guy plants our youngest boy bean loves them.  Well he used to love them until...

- It's Raining Cats And Donkeys
The saying goes..."be careful what you wish for..." Until this week, we had been very dry...no rain for weeks. This week has brought plenty of rain...and there's more on the way! We are spending most of our time indoors.(And of course there's...

- Rainy Day Projects
Warm weather arrived suddenly this week. Several days of warm, dry, sunny days made watering necessary. By the end of the week, our four rain barrels were completely empty. Finally, today it is raining....a good steady soft rain. The kind of rain that...

