Thanks Mrs Ann

Thanks Mrs Ann

Mrs Ann has worked her magic and we now has a lovely header for spring, she also made the nice graphic of our Angels Whiskers and Charybdis that is on the right (toward the bottom) and that we find particularly touching.

If you are unfamiliar with Mrs Ann's work check out Zoolatry and Collectibles by Zoolatry, you will be in for a feast for the eyes.

- Scylla Sunday & I Got An Award
I am going to take things easy today and bask in the sun. Brian, do you want to come bask in the sun with me? I'll be waiting. While I wait for Brian to get here I'll tell you about the neat award Savannah, from Savannah's Paw Tracks gave...

- Friends
Graphic by Gracie Growl Tiger needs purrs he is feeling under the weather. First he had an abscess on his rump, then he got a cold. Graphic by ZoolatryAnnie was diagnosed with cancer And sadly Parker has gone to the Rainbow Bridge.  Her Mom said...

- Fenris Friday & Mo Cats Day
 Some of us STAY when we are told to. And some of us do not. But all of us agree there should be Mo Cats on the Internets. In the spirit of Mo Cats Day Charybdis and Whiskers have their own post on their blogs. Charybdis' post Whiskers'...

- Thank You And Announcements
First we want to thank Zoolatry for giving us this lovely award. We are very honoured. The girls at Zoolatry have made our days brighter and brought sunshine to our souls. Speaking of Zoolatry they are having a contest visit their blog to find out more....

- Friends Friday
Maggy, Zoey & Ann the Zoolatry Human made this lovely picture to welcome Fenris to our blog. We have admired their art work for ages and we are humbled to have a picture from them featuring us. Be sure to drop by Zoolatry and read their post Friends...

