The Big Day

The Big Day

After months of waiting for the completion of the arena,
the big day finally arrived last week.

New Year's Eve day, I led Moonbeam,

my filthy, muddy, in-need-of-a-little-maintenance horse,

out of the pasture and into the barn for brushing, 

bridle path clipping,

and hoof filing.

Then I saddled him up....

threw on my boots and half chaps....

and headed up to the arena
for our first ride.

After the usual snorting and dancing, Moonbeam settled down 
and set out to explore his new digs.

We walked the perimeter, sniffed everything possible,
just to make sure nothing was scary....

and we took our first ride.

Short and sweet....enough for the first time.

Let me tell you, this place is pure heaven....
it never rains or snows in here.
It is peaceful and quiet...
cold, but no wind.
Just perfect!!

So many fun times will be had in this space.
Our neighbors are using it (with our encouragement) for their walks
when the weather is less than perfect.
Becky will be moving her jumps into the arena in the near future.
I plan to take the minis here to play and practice jumping, too.

Fun!....So much fun ahead!

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