The Calm Before The Storm

The Calm Before The Storm

Every so often I am awestruck by the quiet, peaceful, stillness of the farm.
Quiet, of course, is a matter of perspective.
And to most of you a normal day on the farm might seem very quiet.
Yesterday afternoon, however, was the type of quiet that is so quiet...
as if for some period of time, the entire earth is holding its breath....waiting.
No birds,
no wind,
no farm equipment sounds,
no mooing cow, or squealing pig sounds,
even the roosters are silent....
eerily silent, almost.

It was the calm before the storm...
thunder and black clouds soon arrived.

But for that hour when all was peaceful,
I sat amongst the animals, enjoying the solitude....
the only sound was that of my camera shutter.

I shared half of my time with the goats...



Nettie B.


Myrtle and a few visiting chickens

Smilin' Jack


And half of my time with the horses...
lying on my back in the pasture as they happily grazed around me.

Sweet, sweet Red.

Ollie has turned a much darker shade of grey this summer.

A great time for a roll....

And then the rains came again...
drenching our mown hay yet another time.
We have given up on this cutting of hay as it is
already getting moldy.
Our dairy farmer neighbor will take this hay for his cows
as it is no longer edible horse hay.

So, instead of turning hay, I spent a bit of time yesterday making another
1940's style farm apron from new vintage fabric.

Have a happy weekend!
We are most likely going to have rain, again.

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