The Long And The Short Of It....

The Long And The Short Of It....

Yes I was absent post....the first missed post in a very long time. Forgive me. I have only one excuse....OBE (that's overcome by events). The Christmas season has brought with it lots of entertaining. Much of my time these days has been filled with cooking and cleaning....which has the creative side of my brain much neglected. The animals will tell you that I have not neglected them. In fact, I have been furiously cleaning henhouses (yes in this frigid weather) and horse stalls, etc. Unfortunately, I have neglected to carry my camera.

So the subject of the long and the short of it comes into play in many ways. For instance, we are rapidly approaching the shortest day of the year. It seems that no sooner do I get the morning chores finished, than the sun begins to sink into the horizon again. My chore list is long, but the days are so short.

These short days have had no effect on my chickens....they are laying like gangbusters. We are selling our eggs, and still seem to have some left at the end of each week. Hubbs and I are eating deviled eggs like candy. Come to visit us and I guarantee you will be served some deviled eggs (and sent home with a dozen eggs, too!)

So on the subject of eggs and the long and short of about these??
I am not sure why on some days we have such a wide variety of sizes. I can't bring myself to eat that tiny egg on the's just way too cute.

Well, in a matter of a couple of weeks we will pass the shortest day of the year, and then the days will begin to get longer again. The question is....will my list ever get any shorter?

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