The Magic Continues

The Magic Continues

I am happy to report that both Mama and her babies are doing well.

Our sweet little girl has quieted down a bit.

I swear each time I check on them, the little buckling is eating.

In the next few days the weather is to get warmer,
so these two will soon be able to go outside to play.
What fun that will be!!


Last weekend was Hubbs' birthday... mine is at the end of the month.
In honor of our birthdays, we bought His and Hers matching chainsaws!
Doesn't everyone do that?

Well, I've got to tell you...
I am not sure how I got along all these years without my own girlie chainsaw.
It's smaller and lighter than average, but every bit as powerful.

I spent quite a bit of time this week trimming trees.
The evergreens that line our driveway had a substantial amount of dead growth.

Prior to my trimming, the dead growth went down the trunk to the ground.
It's gone now...
their bases neatly manicured, making summertime mowing much easier.

I also cleaned up our woods... sawing up trees that have blown over
in the past few years.
I have thrown myself headlong into Spring clean up.
Maybe that will convince Ole Man Winter that it's time for him to pack his bags!!

I know that chain-sawing is a risky task,
but don't worry.... I wasn't alone.
Bobby cat kept me company.
He fancies himself a supervisor.
The thing is, I can't tell from his look whether he is happy with my work or not!

When the work is done...
another trip to see the babies is my reward.

Hopefully you enjoy pictures of baby goat cuteness..
because this blog will be saturated with them in the weeks to come!

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