The Randomness Continues

The Randomness Continues

First, I'd like to wish you Happy July!!

I think perhaps the theme of this entire week might be completely random.
You see, as I go about my work around the farm each day,
a lot of little things catch my eye and I think of sharing them with you.

If you were with me as I work, I would say...
"Look there...look at that...isn't that amazing?"

So, today I am going to do just that...
take you with me and share all of the random beauty that reveals itself as I go.

We are going to head out to the back side of the farm for a little tour
and a little blueberry picking.
But before that, we need to walk down our long driveway to the mailbox.
I am hoping that some jewelry findings have arrived.

As I open the mailbox to find today's delivery,
I notice that the outhouse lilies have begun to bloom beside the driveway....

and across the road, pink, wild, climbing roses are covering the rock wall.
Lovely, I think.

So let's head past the barn and the garden...

I'd like to show you another part of the farm.

I cut enough zinnias and a sunflower for a vase in the kitchen.

Last stop for this trip is the blueberry patch.

About 5 or 6 years ago we planted 100 blueberry bushes.
There are four rows of 25 plants...each row a different variety that ripens at a slightly different time.

This week the first row has started to ripen and desperately needs to be picked.

Twenty five bushes later, here is our first harvest.

These bushes will be ready to pick again in a day or two.
I see lots of blueberry jam in our future!
(as well as lots of blueberries in our freezer)

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- What I've Been Up To
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- Pecking Order
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