The ROO Fraternity

The ROO Fraternity

Look out!
There's Roos on the loose 
at the farm.

Yes, those crazy 6 Ameraucana roosters are free ranging
to their hearts' delight.

Sunday was their first day of freedom.
I opened the door to their little ramp,

and out they came, 
one by one....



ready to take their partying to a whole new level!

Out to roam mid morning til nightfall,
they can be found just about anywhere...

in the woods, in the orchard, along the driveway.

The first evening we had a bit of a scare, though.
At nightfall, when we stopped by the coop
to close up for the night,
we could only count 5 Roos in the coop.
Three on their roost,
and two stuffed together in a nesting box.

Oh no....not predators again!

But sure enough, then next morning....
6 rooster were present and accounted for.
ready to take on the world,
or at least the acre around their coop.

Apparently there had been three stuffed in one 
nesting box together.
Pity the poor guy in the back!

- Milford Makes A Move
Cattywhompus.Discombobulated. (Off-kilter, odd, disorderly, not quite right, bizarre) Both of these are fun words, and words that I don't have to use much(thankfully) with regards to the farm. Today, however, they are the perfect descriptors...

- Good Night
Every night, 365 days a year, we have the same routine.As the sun starts to set in the west, we head out to the barn to tuck in our beloved critters. Along the way we stop at the Roos coop where Statler and Waldorfhave already retired for the night....

- Much Ado About Roos!
Well, it's finally happened.After nearly two years,all of the Roos have found the hens. Let me "recap" for you.... Two summers ago, I bought a dozen Ameraucana chicks...a "straight run" as they call it....unsexed.Well, the odds were not in my favor...

- Melting Pot
It seems with almost 80 chickensthat I am always re-arranging! The Ameraucana roosters are now occupying their bachelor pad. They have been sequestered insideuntil I am sure they will return there to roost each night.I am thinking that about a week shouldassure...

- The Great Free-ranging Escapade
Well, Saturday was the big day. Since the fancy chickens are full grown and laying now, we decided to allow them to free range around the farm in the afternoons when they are finished laying. They have complete freedom until roosting time (nightfall)...

