The Safest Place for a Mouse

The Safest Place for a Mouse

Having barn cats seems to keep the mouse population at least in the barn. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same about the chicken house. Apparently, the mice have deemed the chicken coop a safe haven, because there are always a few scampering around when I perform the weekly coop clean-out. I have to admit, they sure are cute!

- Monday, Monday
Monday started as any the sound of roosters singing to the sunrise in the Eastern sky of the barnyard.I love that sound...roosters, heralds of the morn. Sadly, there will be one less rooster to greet the sunrise today. Yes, when I opened...

- All Creatures, Great And Small
You might think me crazy. But, I have a hunch that you don't. I can tell by the comments left for me that you all are animal lovers.... just like me. Large small animals, I love them all. Even the predators have their place in the world....

- Wanted: Mouser
For Sale: Two Useless (but adorable) Barn Kitties.....Cheap!Actually, they are not for sale. However, it occurred to me this morning, that they are not keeping up their end of the bargain. These two fun loving felines have a warm place to sleep, two meals...

- Tom Tom, Farm Manager
Each morning, when I arrive at the barn, Tom Tom is waiting for me and leads me into the barn...a reminder that hungry kitties are waiting. He quickly gulps down his breakfast (spoiled barn kitties get canned food twice a day and unlimited dry food available....amazingly...

- Chicken Relocation Project
Well, it seems that 26 chicken poulets make quite a bit of dust when housed in one's garage....and so it was time to move the chicken babies to their new quarters. Mike and Becky have been housing these little gals first in their bathroom in horse...

