The Spooky Party Continues

The Spooky Party Continues

photo by Asta
Socks, Scylla and Charybdis hid in the patwaits on the wallPetra on the faw left looking down and too,too sewious, hehehe, Gus the blue healer and his sissie Callie and bwuvvew Louie, TinTin in his gween glasses,Momo sissie in a spawkly witches hat,Petey all laid back and welaxed, Mango the Maltese kiddo in kingly wobes, Faya and George having eyes fow no one but each othewAggie (I've nevew seen hew so pensive..I wondew what's up?) and Noah wif Mrs. Oz in cawnival mask in fwont of him.

Asta has been taking pictures of us while we enjoy the Halloween party she threw with her friends Eric and Lacie, go by her blog to read about all the neat things we have been doing and join in the fun. PARTY!!!!!!

- Self Portrait
Mommy's new Computer has enough memory for her to install Corel Paint Shop Pro X, which she really likes a lot. She is finally learning to photo shop and do interesting things to pictures. Hopefully the next time our friends have a party or go on...

- Mancat Monday
I like to play with my mousie in bed. I has a lime green mousie to play with. I gave Artemisia the pink one. She was very appreciative. We went to Ollie's Party this weekend where a great time was had by all. (Picture by Asta) Mommy thinks...

- Socks & The Flying Carpet
(MoMo, Socks & Sassy picture by Karl) MoMo and Sassy came picked me up on the flying carpet. I have to tell you flying carpets are pawsome. It's like being curled up on your favourite carpet at home and then you are wherever you want to go and...

- The Bloody Tower
(Photo by Eric) London is the best place to celebrate Halloween. Drop by A Square Dogs Blog, where Eric is hosting the Halloween Party. ...

- Prince Sockie ~ Pooh & Momorella Celebrate Halloween
picture & costumes by Sassy My beloved Momorella and I are attending Asta's Halloween Party. As every princess needs a prince I Prince Sockie~Pooh of the 100 Acre Wood put myself at her disposal. Our dear friend Sassy created our costumes. Since...

