The twelve days of Christmas

The twelve days of Christmas

For the twelve days of Christmas, your true love will send you:

Twelve street musicians drumming
Eleven carolers a-caroling
Ten ice skaters a-leaping
Nine ladies knitting
Eight cows a-milking
Seven eggnogs a-intoxicating
Six Santas a-hohohoing
Five golden toe rings
Four calling prank callers
Three French berets
Two diamond pinky rings
And a fairy in a olive tree

What Will You Get for the 12 Days of Christmas?

- Merry Monday ~ The 12 Days Of Christmas By The Cats & Dogs
We got this idea from Derby and Ducky. On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love sent to me: 12 Deer Dashing Eleven Pigs Pacing Ten Lions a Leaping Nine Lipizzaner Dancing Eight Milksnakes a Milking Seven Salmon a Swimming Six Gar a Laying ...

- Scylla Sunday
We are having a backwards Christmas. We hopes you don't mind. See we didn't much feel like celebrating after Charybdis died so we just got our Christmas stuff up right before Christmas and since Daddy was still remodeling the laundry room the...

- Serious Sunday By Socks
We managed to miss Fierce Fighter Day. By the time we found out about it, it was too late for us to participate, so we would like to remember Whiskers today. Whiskers came to live with our family when the boy beans were very little. He was a true Christmas...

- Christmas Sun
After weeks of gray, cloudy, foggy, and rainy days... we had a Christmas treat yesterday.The sun came out. Not for the whole day... but just long enough to let us know that the sun is still there...behind the clouds,and long enough to give us a dose...

- Recycling The Christmas Tree
"O Christmas tree,O Christmas tree,How tasty are thy branches..." I was going to tell you that this is what I heard from the goat pen,but the truth is...all I hear is munching! What's even better than Ritz crackers? Why, a discarded Christmas tree...

