There's Always Next Year!

There's Always Next Year!

Those four words have become my garden mantra. Each time I enter my vegetable garden I am overcome with the urge to just incinerate it. As I have called it before, it is my "Garden of Weedin".....with weeds outnumbering vegetables 100 to 1. Still, we have been able to harvest our dinner each night. And now I have enough tomatoes to make a pot of spaghetti sauce to can and save for those cold winter months.

As for pictures of the garden....forget it! I am way too embarassed by the appearance. Your imagination will have to do...and believe me you'd better have a wild imagination to be able to visualize this garden out of countrol!
What does give me joy, however, are the beautiful morning glories that have grown on my garden fence...yes, I did plant those.
My zinnia bed has afforded me fresh cut flowers for weeks now. And the marigolds add a lovely colorful border to the knee-high carpet of weeds.
Still, in all, it is hard to get too depressed when I look beyond the weeds to the the sunflowers turn their smiling faces towards the sun. If they can live amongst all these weeds and still smile, then, so can I.
As for the rest....well, there's always next year!

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