There's No Place Like Home!

There's No Place Like Home!

Never was a quote more true! After six days of travel I was so glad to be back home in my comfort zone. I did have a ball at the Maryjane's Farm Fair 2009 and met some great gals. But, oh, did I miss home!

So, let's get caught up. My little miniature horse baby had a rough time for his first few days with us. The adjustment was hard on him, but he pulled through with flying colors. Because of his orphan status, I gave him the name Oliver Twist. This sweet, little fellow follows us around the farm...stopping to graze on his favorite clover flowers. He definitely knows he is a horse, and does not stray far from our other horses. I think he is going to be a great addition to Bee Haven Acres.

My garden is lush and green....unfortunately, much of the green is due to weeds. Oh my, the rainfall that we received this summer and my obvious pre-occupation with other things around the farm has caused my garden to go wild and crazy. I suppose if I have a small harvest this year I will have to be satisfied. There is always next year!

Construction continues....just finishing details and outside decks. I will take pictures today and post later......

- Memories.. An Encore Post
It has snowed again here on the farm,  and we are holding our breaths,hoping that Spring is following soon.  (The only one happy with the white stuff, though beautiful, is Sadie!) I can't write another post about snowy days, so instead,...

- Construction Continues
We are almost totally settled into the interior of our our log home. However, the exterior work continues with the building of decks and screen porch. I thought I would share a few more construction pictures with you.... Here are the decks and porch that...

- Welcome "little Red"
After a rather uneventful trip (except for the manure in the back of my Honda Element) home, our new mini horse has settled into life on Bee Haven Acres. He was a bit bewildered upon arrival....everything so new...but, quickly made friends with Oliver...

- Fun Stuff
What does a little horse do on a cloudy, cool day? Well, if your name is Oliver Twist, you hang out in the pasture next to the big horses and graze on yummy grass....and patiently wait for tomorrow. "What happens tomorrow?" you ask. Tomorrow is a special...

- "farm Time"
We live in a world that is divided into time zones. We know when we travel that we will have to adjust to those changes in time zones. What I have come to learn, living on the farm, is that there is yet another time is "farm time". It seems...

