They Only Have Eyes For.....

They Only Have Eyes For.....

A cold front has settled over our area, sending the last few days of Autumn warmth
far, far away.

I love the dramatic cloudy skies of Autumn.
Bundled up in a warm jacket, the cold winds are refreshing.
Everyone, myself included, has more energy at this time of year.

Yesterday afternoon, while feeding, we stopped by Becky's barn to see her horses.
Their eyes fixed to a point in the distance,
they pretended to not even notice my presence.

Ava (above) and ancient Duffy (below)...

and Pete, also, stood transfixed,
their gaze across the road.

Were they looking at that bear in the woods?

Oh no, that was Maddie not a bear!
No, they were watching their pasture mate, Sid,
out in the hay field with Becky.

It was the perfect day for a ride!
It's funny how attached horses get to each other.
When one leaves, the others cry and fuss.

I had wanted to show you one of our most striking roosters.
This is Roy Boy, who was born this past summer.

One of Roy Boy's best features is his fluffy butt!
He's got an amazing set of tail feathers, that hang just over the cutest, fluffiest bum.
Check it out!

You've got to admit, that is one adorable chicken butt!

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