Thursday 13 ~ #5

Thursday 13 ~ #5

Thirteen Things about Amethyst

  1. It's Alasandra's birthstone. Alasandra's birthday is February 9th.

  2. Amethyst is suggested as a gem to give on the 4th, 6th and 17th wedding anniversaries.

  3. It must be purple to be amethyst, but it can display a range of shades including deep purple, light lilac, lavender and mauve.

  4. Amethyst is the most valued member of the quartz family.

  5. Throughout history amethyst has been used to guard against drunkenness and is thought to be helpful in overcoming addiction.

  6. Amethyst powers include: dreams, healing, peace, love, spiritual upliftment, courage, psychism, protection against thieves, and happiness.

  7. Mohs scale of hardness is 7

  8. Amethyst gets its name from amethysts, the Greek word for sober.

  9. Amethyst is also considered as an aid to the brave because it was believed to protect soldiers in battle.

  10. The two main sources of amethyst are Brazil and Zambia although it is also found in Uruguay, Russia, Sri Lanka, Mexico, and the US state of Arizona.

  11. One of the largest cut amethysts in the world is 343 carats and is housed at the National History Museum in London.

  12. It is easily created in laboratories through modern methods and techniques. These synthetic stones are widely spread in the gemstone market and sold under the fancy names like Japanese Amethyst, Desert amethyst, False amethyst and Lithia amethyst.

  13. Amethyst can occur as crystals that are six sided on either end. It also forms as drusy which are crystalline crusts covering the host rock. It is found inside geodes and in alluvial deposits all around the world and occurs in both crystalline or massive forms.

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