Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

These are the Superbells, they are doing GREAT.

_bells must be a popular name for flowers because we has a lot of flowers with bell(s) in the name.

Our Pinata Lavender is doing really good. We likes the pop of purple it provides in the herb bed.

We has so many pretty flowers during the spring.

These are wildflowers that we just LOVE, Daddy left them in the yard for us.

The dwarf Washington Hawthorne is starting to bloom.

The Lion's Tail looks exotic when it is blooming.

Daddy's wildflowers are doing well.

Now we are off to make our gardening report to Jonesie and the Society of Feline Gardeners.

~Socks & Scylla reporting for ATCAD

- Thursday In The Garden
The Trailing Princess is doing well in the Greenhouse. Our Snowdrops are really pretty. Fine Gardening had an article on them. We were happy to get to read about something that grows so nicely in our garden. We are happy to see our Spring flowers arriving....

- Thursday In The Garden
OK,  we has lots to show you this week, the Hanging baskets. We told you about them earlier but this is a better view of them. The coral honeysuckle, can you see it has a yellow inside? The roses. The Crossvine. Mommy just got it The Clematis....

- Thursday In The Garden With Scylla
Some wildflowers we likes. The Azaleas they sure are purrty right now. We just loves this time of year. Scylla is inspecting the Azaleas carefully. Our Rooster Violet it is a native plant. The Carolina Jasmine, we has some growing wild on the back side...

- Thursday In The Garden
 The Carolina Jasmine is climbing the post nicely and looks so lovely blooming. We are very pleased with it.  The Honeysuckle is blooming and we are happy to report that the one Mommy whacked off by accident is coming back out and that most...

- Society Of Feline Gardeners ~ The Cats
We loves our Confederate Roses. This one starts off white and turns pink as the day goes on. The Candle Bush is another pretty flower that blooms is the fall. We thinks it looks particularly pretty with the purple Mexican Petunias. Fall is a good...

