Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

The Blue Sage is so pretty, we wishes we could have got a better picture of the flowers, but it got very tall and is over Mommy's head. Glad we planted it here where it has something to lean against and doesn't fall over.

We thinks it got so tall because of all the rain we got. This is one of the plants we got from the Pascagoula River Audubon Society.

The Zinnias look pretty too.

The Candy Corn Cuphea, it is blooming just in time for Halloween and Thanksgiving. It will bloom until we has a frost.

Our Ruellia brittoniana 'Purple Katie' (Mexican Dwarf Purple Petunia)

The Cape Honeysuckle.

The Asters, ours are purple.

And look we captured a butterfly.

Hope you enjoyed visiting our garden.

We are off to Jonesie's to make our report. ~Socks & Scylla reporting for ATCAD

- Thursday In The Garden
We have lots of flowers that bloom in fall and look simply stunning. The Cape Honeysuckle looks lovely all year. Our Goldenrod and Sweet William are blooming. The Pineapple Sage and Ironweed are blooming. The Black-eyed Susans really put on a show. ...

- Thursday In The Garden With Socks
The Lantana The Plumeria, Ornamental Peppers and Firecracker Cuphea. Mommy grew the Ornamental Peppers from seed, we are astounded by how well they are doing and the Cuphea broke off from the one she planted at the Hummingbird Cottage so she rooted it....

- Mancat Monday
Somebody asked if Scylla is the main garden helper, the fact is we all lend a paw. While Scylla lays in the flower beds and talks to the plants, they really likes that. I roam the yard looking for problems. I tell Mommy about fire ant beds so hopefully...

- Thursday In The Garden - Thankful Thursday With Socks
The Wisteria is just lovely. And the Azaleas are gorgeous, we loves this time of year when they are blooming. Mommy went to the Pascagoula River Audubon Center and got some Azure Salvia, we are very relieved it survived the frost we had after Mommy planted...

- Thursday In The Garden
 Fall brings an explosion of color to Mississippi Gardens. This Hummingbird is enjoying the Pineapple Sage.  Mommy was standing right by the Hummingbird when she took the picture. She said it was nice being able to take a shot from above the...

