Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

This hanging basket is looking really pretty.

The white roses are putting on a show for us.

The Clematis are blooming up a storm, that is a blue pansy next to them.

The pale pink roses aren't they purrty?

The Shasta Daisy.

Nice picture of the entire Hummingbird Cottage. Do you see how we have flowers growing and blooming on the roof?

A pretty Mum.

And our the other hanging basket. Now we are off to make our report to The Society of Feline Gardeners. 

Hi Jonesie, Socks & Scylla, reporting for Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs.

- Thursday In The Garden
These planters are really doing well. The Fountain Grass is blooming. The Lantana and Verbena are blooming too. The tobacco plant is blooming up a storm. In the Herb Bed the oregano, cilantro and dill are blooming The Hydrangeas are blooming. This one...

- Thursday In The Garden
The Clematis, isn't it just gorgeous. This is the bed it is growing in. The roses and honeysuckle have a head start on it because they are evergreens and the Clematis is a perennial. This is the bed closest to the pond, Mommy had Daddy leave it open...

- Thursday In The Garden & Greenhouse
 The Blue Daze and White Lantana are looking good. We needs to plant something on the other side of the basket. For some reason the plants on that side died and the hanging basket is lopsided.  The Red Hibiscus is blooming. And look the Honeysuckle...

- Thursday In The Garden
We has some really interesting things in our garden this week we hopes you enjoy them. This is a Hummingbird Moth. Mommy finally got a picture of it. It sure did take her long enough.  It seemed to like our Zinnias a lot.  We likes the hanging...

- Thusday In The Garden
 Our Wishbone flowers came back from seeds.  The Buttercup reseeds itself too.  The Katie Ruellia is blooming up a storm.  The Asters are fixing to bloom. The Sniffie Roses are in full bloom. See the hanging baskets these are the...

