Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

The front flower bed is a riot of blooms. Pineapple Sage, Zinnias, some purple flower we don't know the name of. Mommy says it is a weed, but we thinks it is pretty so it gets to stay.

The Confederate Rose by the house, they aren't roses they are hibiscus. This one starts off light pink and gets darker throughout the day. The one in the Butterfly Garden starts off white and gradually turns pink.

This weird bug has been hanging out at the Hummingbird Cottage. We thinks he looks kinda scary. Mommy has been getting all the Maypop vines down. They die back this time of year, weeding and generally getting the garden ready for winter.

Now we are off to Jonesie's to make our report to The Society of Feline Gardeners.

- Memories Of Fall (flashback)
 The Confederate Roses had lots of buds and would have been really pretty but only a few of the buds managed to bloom before the frost came and killed them. Maybe they will have a chance to bloom this year.  This rose blooms all year, it's...

- Thursday In The Garden
 We thought we would start the garden tour down at the Butterfly Garden. He is the Grancy Graybeard, with it's pretty white blooms.  The Vitex, we are looking forward to seeing it bloom.  Pink Verbena. The bees like it.  The Chinese...

- Thursday In The Garden
 I am enjoying the Butterfly Garden for as long as I can since  winter is on the way. We are hoping the Red Hibiscus will bloom before it dies. It has lots of buds on it. We wouldn't buy this plant again. It is very high maintenance and...

- Thursday In The Garden
 Our Confederate Rose. We loves the pretty pink color.  The Lily Pads and some Wildflowers growing in the pond.  Fenris is looking for interesting Wildflowers for us.  The Sniffie Rose  One of the beds at the Hummingbird Cottage...

- Society Of Feline Gardeners ~ The Cats
We loves our Confederate Roses. This one starts off white and turns pink as the day goes on. The Candle Bush is another pretty flower that blooms is the fall. We thinks it looks particularly pretty with the purple Mexican Petunias. Fall is a good...

