Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

 Can you see the delicate blooms on the thyme?

 Our Confederate Rose is blooming. It doesn't usually bloom this early in the year.

 The Coral Honeysuckle. Make the picture big, Mommy captured a surprise for you. Sorry it is out of focus. Maybe she will have better luck next time.

 The Chinese Hibiscus, we has it in white and pink.

 We has more white this year, usually we has more pink.

 An intriguing looking weed.

 Mexican Petunias. They are very happy with all the rain we got, they don't mind wet feet.

 The Honeysuckle and out of focus Hummer.

OK, now come with us to Jonesie's for our Society of Feline Gardeners meeting, hurry we don't wants to be late. 3 paw taps...................................... we wants to tell everyone all about the Hummingbirds that visit our flowers.


- Thursday In The Garden
 Fall brings an explosion of color to Mississippi Gardens. This Hummingbird is enjoying the Pineapple Sage.  Mommy was standing right by the Hummingbird when she took the picture. She said it was nice being able to take a shot from above the...

- Mancat Monday
 The pink Angel Trumpet is blooming, it reminds me of my sweet angel MoMo.  The Cape Honeysuckle is attracting lots of hummingbirds.  For some reason I have taken a liking to the Candy Corn Cuphea. I keeps eating it.  The garlic is...

- Thursday In The Garden
 The Gold Flame Honeysuckle is sp pretty and it smells divine.  These wildflowers found a home in our flower bed, they were too cute to pull up.  Our Zinnias reseeded themselves.  More of the Goldflame Honeysuckle. They start off a...

- Fenris Friday
 Mommy is too busy weeding to play ball with ME!  At least she took me for a walk so I could look at the flowers up close. This is our Clematis. It is a hot pink when it first opens then fades to a lighter pink.  The Gold Flame Honeysuckle,...

- Thursday In The Garden
 We thought we would start the garden tour down at the Butterfly Garden. He is the Grancy Graybeard, with it's pretty white blooms.  The Vitex, we are looking forward to seeing it bloom.  Pink Verbena. The bees like it.  The Chinese...

