Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

 We thinks this picture is beautiful. The Butterflies really like the Butterfly Bush.

 Our watermelons are growing nicely. They came up all by themselves from watermelons we planted last year.

 The tomatoes are not doing so good. We thinks cause it is so hot and dry. A cut worm got one of them and various other pest have gotten into all of them.

 The Purple Lantana is blooming.

 Gardenias smell so good, we just wants to sit by them all day and inhale their fragrance.

 Interesting little weed growing in Mommy's flowerbed. It is blue and fuzzy.

 This strange doggie came to visit Fenris, we hopes he is going home now.

 Our favorite tomato is growing in the compost pile. Nobody takes care of it and it is doing pawsome. It came up all by itself too.
 Look at how nice the tomatoes look on it.

Well we has to get over to Jonesie's for the Society of Feline Gardeners meeting so we can give our report, see you there.


- Thursday In The Garden
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- Thursday In The Garden
 Admiring all the fall color in our garden. The Cuphea is pawsome. And isn't the Veronica pretty with it's blue spires.  The lizards also like to play in the flowerbeds. I keep a sharp eye out for them.  The zinnias smell good....

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 Our yellow Angel Trumpet is blooming.  Hurry up and open the door Mommy I am ready to go outside and tend to the flowers.  I just love our red zinnias.  I really likes the Veronica too.  The Butterfly Weed is doing great. The...

- Thursday In The Garden
First we wants to invite you to submit pictures for our Flower Show, details here. We always forgets the password but we thinks it is 3 paw taps. Anyway this is our report for the Society of Feline Gardeners. Be sure to visit Jonesie to find out what...

- Thursday In The Garden
 Fenris was drafted to do this weeks gardening post.   He enjoys the geese family when Mommy takes him for a walk.  The Rooster Violet still blooming and growing, we just loves it as it brightened our winter.  The  Japanese...

