Thursday in the Garden with Socks and Arty

Thursday in the Garden with Socks and Arty

The zinnias came back up and are blooming.

The Goldflame Honeysuckle.

Socks is busy making sure no varmints get in our flowerbeds.

The white rose is blooming.

Doesn't the Gaura look lovely?

Socks is happy the Candy Corn Cuphea and Veronica did so well.

And look how pretty this rose Socks is sitting by is.  It smells divine.

The Bottlebrush is getting bigger and looks gorgeous when it blooms.

Mommy got an Indian Hawthorne (pink). after she planted it we got tons of rain and it was in danger of drowning so...................

Mommy dug a ditch to help it to drain.

She had to do the same thing for this Camilla.

The Chinese Witch Hazel is doing good.

I am resting here in the shade because it is hot out.

Socks is going to come sit by me. Digging ditches is hard work.


Socks is very kind about allowing me to set under the bush with him, if I ask nicely. I am just going to rest a second before we head over to Jonesie's.

It is time for the Society of Feline Gardeners to meet, do come with us. ~Arty Mouse

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