Thursday Thirteen ~ The Letter B

Thursday Thirteen ~ The Letter B

Thirteen words that start with the letter B

  1. Books - I love to read

  2. Butterflies - I love Butterflies

  3. Boys - I have two terrific boys

  4. Butterfly Weed - We have a bed of butterfly weed in the butterfly garden.

  5. Begonia - I have a begonia growing in a flowerpot.

  6. Blueberries - We have blueberry bushes and I enjoy having fresh blueberries for my cereal. I also appreciate having frozen blueberries throughout the year to bake with.

  7. Blue - I love the color blue, we have blue carpet and walls in our house and my kitchen counter top is blue.

  8. Brunette - I love being a brunette.

  9. Breakfast - I enjoy eating breakfast at Bayview Gourmet.

  10. Baking - I like to bake in the winter.

  11. Bell pepper - we have a bell pepper growing in our garden.

  12. Banana pepper - we had two banana peppers in our garden, but one died.

  13. Bay - my first horse was a bay.

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