Today's Post is Brought to You by The Letter F!

Today's Post is Brought to You by The Letter F!

I feel like I am back in the Sesame Street Days of my life!
today's post is definitely brought to you by the letter F!

"F" is for spring flowers...that finally have bloomed...

daffodils in the front pasture...

It's always amazing to me that the daffodils never get trampled by the horses in the front pasture.

Do you suppose that horses share our appreciation for spring's flowers?

"F" is for forsythia...

in bloom around the old log cabin...

"F" is for farrier...who paid us a visit yesterday.
He worked on everyone's hooves while I worked on cleaning up messy winter coats.

By the time we were done, everyone looked fabulous!

"F" is for fence!
The fence company arrived yesterday to build the fence around the orchard.

This area will be home for the new sheep.

The pigs could hardly wait to explore this area...

and off they went to sniff out every corner.

They investigated the houses...

which I finally finished painting yesterday.

Yummy grass grows beneath the old dead apple tree....
this is the tree that I refuse to cut down, as it gifts us with morel mushrooms around its base each spring.

I sure hope the girls aren't like truffle sniffing pigs....sniffing out and eating the morels!!

On the subject of fences...
I put the temporary fence back around the pumpkin patch yesterday as well.

This area is completely ready to plant as soon as the weather is warm enough.

Our last "F" for the day is for FRIDAY!!
Can you believe it?
Another Friday has come around again.

Tomorrow's weather prediction is perfect...sunny and highs in the mid 70's.
The spring chore list continues....

Don't forget to check back tomorrow to see our Walk on the Wild Side....
where I share the week's worth of photos from the trail cameras in the woods.
Who knows....maybe that elusive bear will finally make an appearance!

- Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho, It's Off To Work I Go....
Yesterday was one of those days....those non-stop work days that seem to go on and on and on. It all started at dawn when I headed out to feed the animals, clean and refill water tubs,and scoop poop.  Those items took about and hour and a half....

- Why Am I Working While Everyone Else Is Sleeping?
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- Spring Waxes And Wanes
I hesitate to say this,because saying it means that I am acknowledging it.And, honestly, it makes me a little crazy! First, the good news:Spring has arrived in the front horse pasture.There are daffodils popping up all over...beautiful.Now, the part...

- Never Enough Fences!
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