Tsarina Tuesday ~ Artemisia

Tsarina Tuesday ~ Artemisia

Yes, my tail is wet. I gots caught in a rainstorm.

I has to clean myself now, my paws are MUDDY!

I has a perplexing problem. See my pineapple sage. We has 3 plants close together in the SAME flowerbed. One is huge and blooming, one is deaded and the other looks like it is trying to die and we haven't got a clue why. Mommy treats them all the same. Although she thinks Scylla may be using the flowerbed as a litter-box. I is trying to clear Scylla's name. I thinks they look as if they aren't getting enough water but we can't figure out why cause Mommy waters them when it doesn't rain. Oh well............

Socks thinks blending into your surroundings is important, so I am trying.

Do you think I am doing a good job?

I need a nap.

It is softer up here.


- Thursday In The Garden
We have lots of flowers that bloom in fall and look simply stunning. The Cape Honeysuckle looks lovely all year. Our Goldenrod and Sweet William are blooming. The Pineapple Sage and Ironweed are blooming. The Black-eyed Susans really put on a show. ...

- Scylla Sunday
This is my favorite flowerbed. You have a good view of the pond from it. Lots of birds down at the pond to watch if you likes bird TV. Mommy loves the white tip on my tail. That is how she told my and Charybdis apart when we were little. The Foxgloves...

- Thursday In The Garden - Thankful Thursday With Socks
The Wisteria is just lovely. And the Azaleas are gorgeous, we loves this time of year when they are blooming. Mommy went to the Pascagoula River Audubon Center and got some Azure Salvia, we are very relieved it survived the frost we had after Mommy planted...

- Thursday In The Garden
We are having bizarre weather. The frost killed the Candy Corn Cuphea, that is normal for this time of year. What is not normal is it is coming back out. It thinks it is Spring. Daddy has been making improvemnts to the greenhouse, which the Mom is really...

- Scylla Sunday
I am dreaming of King Brian. He makes me purr with delight. Do you think boys like getting flowers? This very interesting flower was on our cactus. We thinks cactus are guy plants our youngest boy bean loves them.  Well he used to love them until...

