Tsarina Tuesday

Tsarina Tuesday

 I is playing with my brother Socks. We are having lots of fun with the paper bag.

 We also likes to chase each other.

 I bet you can't find me in all the mess Mommy made.

 I am hiding from Socks.

 Rats!!!! He found me. Now I am going to sneak up on him.

 Are you in the paper bag Socks?

 MOL, I took the paper bag away from him.

~Arty Mouse

- Once Upon A Time...
We are taking part in the Once Upon a Time Blog Hop hosted by Lady Shasta and Lord Shiloh. We have our paws crossed that one day our fairy tale will come true. Once Upon a Time.............there was a lovely Tsarina named Artemisia, nicknamed Arty Mouse....

- Scylla Sunday
 I am spending the day outside with Mommy and Arty Mouse. Arty is playing hide-n-seek and chase with me.  Arty can run very fast, it is hard to catch her.  She is also very good at hiding. Now where did she go?  She isn't hiding...

- Tsarina Tuesday
 I just loves to play. Socks is letting me play with this neat wrapping paper MoMo sent him one year for Christmas. It had a toy in it but we likes to play with the wrapping paper too.  It is very biteable. Now that the sun is up I am ready...

- Mancat Monday
 I am enjoying some outside time. Me and Arty Mouse are playing, maybe one day Mommy will make a movie starring me and Mouse.  I am hiding from Arty Mouse and Mommy.  Uh-oh, I thinks Mommy found me. Mommy played with the first picture and...

- Mancat Monday
 Way back in June we went to Chica's birthday party and we played games. Some of the games involved questions and iffn you got the right answer you gotted a prize. You can read all about it here, but we guessed Chica's coat color and won...

