Tsarina Tuesday

Tsarina Tuesday

 It is very important for a lady cat to look glamorous no matter what she is doing. Even though I am a hardworking gardening kitty I strive to look my best at all times.

 This means sometimes I has to stop working so hard and relax. It is hard to look glamorous when you are tired.

 The Hummingbird Cottage is coming along nicely. Once Mommy gets the vines growing good it should be shady.

 I has a nice nest under the Passion Vine.

 The white Zinnias are pretty.

 Here is Scylla she is trying to sneak up on me.

 Not gonna happen Scylla, I has eyes in back of my head.

 I am ready for you to pounce.

 Time for another nap.


- Thursday In The Garden
 Well March 1 was really nice Mommy did some much needed gardening. The flower beds around the Hummingbird Cottage were weeded, ant poison was put out and Mommy planted some stuff. She planted one of the Gold Flame Honeysuckle Vines she rooted in...

- Scylla Sunday
 I am enjoying the cooler temperatures Tropical Storm Lee brought. It is nice outside now.  I likes to lay on the rocks in the Hummingbird Cottage.  This hanging basket looks pretty. The Pentas blooms match the Bougainvilleas blooms.  As...

- Thursday In The Garden
First we wants to invite you to submit pictures for our Flower Show, details here. We always forgets the password but we thinks it is 3 paw taps. Anyway this is our report for the Society of Feline Gardeners. Be sure to visit Jonesie to find out what...

- Tsarina Tuesday
 Mommy got this windchime when she was at the Pharmacy. The black tuxedo cat reminded her of Whiskers.  And the hummingbirds came from the grocery store. Mommy may take it down to the Hummingbird Cottage, but for now it is up at the house for...

- Thursday In The Garden
 Our Confederate Rose. We loves the pretty pink color.  The Lily Pads and some Wildflowers growing in the pond.  Fenris is looking for interesting Wildflowers for us.  The Sniffie Rose  One of the beds at the Hummingbird Cottage...

