Tuiren Tuesday - Heartworm Treatment

Tuiren Tuesday - Heartworm Treatment

Almost at the finish line. Monday I had my second Immiticide Injection and and today I will get the Third Immiticide Injection. So glad I was well enough to continue treatment.

Mommy and the vet both agreed I would be happier and more relaxed at home so Monday I went got my shot and spent the day at the vet, just to make sure I was OK and Mommy came got me that evening so I could sleep in my own bed, then Tuesday (today) we had to go back for another shot and day at the vet. I sings when I am at the vets, Mommy is thankful that I am usually silent when I am home. I am also back on my Prednisone again, Mommy says I am a good girl and take my pills without any trouble.

The only down side is I still has 30 DAYS of restricted activity. I also will be retested for heartworms in 6 months. Please purr that these nasty worms will be all gone. I am ready to be well.

And please remember to give your dogs heartworm preventives. I don't want any of my doggie friends to have to go through this and there currently is no treatment for kitty cats.Year round administration of heartworm prevention is the ONLY way to prevent heartworm disease in dogs and cats. Because mosquitoes can and do enter the home, even 100% indoor pets should be given the preventative.

~Annie Tuiren

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