Tuiren Tuesday (Flashback 2014)

Tuiren Tuesday (Flashback 2014)

This was back when I was having my heartworm treatment. Mommy made sure I was comfortable and stayed warm.

I took my blankets to the veterinarians office with me so I would have something comforting with me while I was there.

Mister Who was just a puppy. He is all grown up now and lives with Eldest Boy Bean at his house. He still comes to visit sometimes.

We all still get along fine and I look forward to his visits.

He is still as crazy as ever.

He kinda scares the cats because he is so...............


This is our Camilla that blooms Winter-Spring, the other ones we have bloom Fall-Winter.

And this is a picture of Fenris actually on his dog bed. I am not sure how Mommy got him on there he usually avoids it. ~Tuiren, reporting for ATCAD

- Fenris Friday With Flowers
Well you get ONE miserly picture of ME and Tuiren, and it's from the back. Really MOM our friends want to see us. I am calling Attorney Ernie about this as soon as we get back to the house. At least we got to go for a walk. We were amazed, astounded,...

- Tuiren Tuesday
I wonder what the Veterinarian is doing with the hair she stole from me and Fenris. They stole hair from my legs and his head. This is very weird if you ask me. At least they didn't send me home with a lamp shade on my head. Thank Dog for small mercies....

- Tuiren Tuesday
 We always say we are going to take part in Blog the Change for Animals, and then we always miss it. But really shouldn't it be an everyday thing.  I guesses I could wait for the next Blog the Change, October 15th to write this post but...

- Tuiren Tuesday
 Fenris and I are hanging out in the backyard enjoying the sunshine and discussing life. We are very sads, a doggie friend of ours Belle has heartworms. Her purrson is going to have her PTS instead of getting treatment for her. This is so heartbreaking...

- Thursday In The Garden With Tuiren
 All the potted plants have been put in the greenhouse where they are very happy. The Cape Honeysuckle is still blooming. It is warmer here now so we has the windows open.  I likes to help Mommy in the greenhouse.  The Red Hibiscus is fixing...

