Tuiren Tuesday

Tuiren Tuesday

I likes to be as close to Mommy as I can get. Right now she is at the Hummingbird Cottage weeding. I can see her and she can see me. Sometimes she talks to me while she weeds. I am hoping she will finish soon and come pet me.  Even better I wishes she would let me out and I could sit on the chaise she has in the Hummingbird Cottage. I do not think it is fair that the cats can sit in it whenever they want. ~Tuiren, reporting for ATCAD

- Outside With Fenris & Tuiren
Mommy has been weeding the flowerbeds at the Hummingbird Cottage, they are looking pretty good. The Johnny Jump Ups always make us smile, they are such cheerful plants. The violets are pretty little things. One of the nice things about the Johnny Jump...

- Scylla Sunday
 Way back on January 29th it was in the 70s and we went outside, me to play and Mommy to weed.  There are lots of birds fluttering around.  Fenris and Tuiren wish they could hang out at the Hummingbird Cottage with us. They are sitting...

- Fenris Friday
 I am hanging out with Mom in the Hummingbird Cottage. The chaise lounger is nice and comfy. Silly Daddy thinking Mommy got a two seater so he could sit by her. It's for me and the cats not him. There isn't room for him. Yes, I do have on...

- Tsarina Tuesday
 Mommy got this windchime when she was at the Pharmacy. The black tuxedo cat reminded her of Whiskers.  And the hummingbirds came from the grocery store. Mommy may take it down to the Hummingbird Cottage, but for now it is up at the house for...

- What I Want To Buy My Mom & Dad Fur Christmas.
Frankie is hosting this Thanksgiving post. Go by his blog to find out what other furies want to get their parents for Christmas. Well we woulds like to buy a cement floor for the greenhouse so Mommy wouldn't have to weed in there. We would also like...

