Turkey Pardon

Turkey Pardon

Happy Thanksgiving from our farm family to you!
May your day be filled with good cheer and good health.

We will be enjoying Thanksgiving dinner with our friends this afternoon,
and making final preparations for our family celebration tomorrow.

I am happy to say that yet again this year Tom and Chuck received a pardon.
They will not become Thanksgiving turkeys (ever!).

It's hard to believe that 6 or 7 years ago we ordered three turkeys
that we thought would be food for us.
And then we named them...
and the idea of eating them went right out the door.
I am sure that we never would have been able to follow through with turning them into food.

And so, we have our Thanksgiving turkey raised by a farmer down the road.
We never meet it... or name it.

I thought you might enjoy this video from almost 5 years ago...

Yes, that's Tyler... 5 years ago!
And the same Tom and Chuck!

- Wishing Our Friends A Happy Thanksgiving
We would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.Some of the things we are thankful for this year:Good FriendsGood HealthFood & ShelterOur FamilyAnd while we have so very much to be thankful for, we want to take a moment to say a prayer for those...

- Bi-partisan Turkeys
Ordinarily, when there are several turkeys together they are called a flock.However, here on the farm where there are only two,we call it a congress. You see, these two boys are very often on opposite sides of the fence...fighting back and forth. Tom...

- Traditions
Thanksgiving is over.What remains of the turkey is now soup. We made it through another Black and Blue Friday, with no mishaps... lots of stories.... war stories.... memories to last a lifetime. I was unable to play paintball with the rest of the...

- Talkin' Turkey
Two years ago we had the idea of raising our own heritage breed turkeys for meat.We thought we would start small,so I ordered a few bourbon red turkey poults from our local feed store. From the very first day, these little birds were quite friendlyand...

- Gobble Gobble
Happy Thanksgiving! From all of us on the farm,to you and yours... Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.We all have so very much for which to be thankful! And PS...to answer a question about our turkeys...No, we will never eat them.Ever. PSS....I will be taking...

