Until We Meet Again

Until We Meet Again

Lady Saffron one of The Ladies of Autumn has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. You can read about her here. The pretty purple flowers we put in the picture are saffron too and we thinks Lady Saffron was just as beautiful as the flower she was named after. Her coloring is just gorgeous. Scylla hadn't had a chance to get to know Saffron well but she will be missed by all the fellow Ladies of Autumn.

 Twizzy's family also had to let him go to the Rainbow Bridge.

- Rip Monty
Monty from Millie's House has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. For Monty's Mom Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There...

- Addio Opus
We were very sad to learn our dear friend Opus has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Opus blogged @ Cat Naps in Italy along with his sister Olive. His brother and littermate Roscoe went to the Rainbow Bridge in September of 2008. Goodness Gracie is his aunt...

- Felix Unger Graves Iii
We are very sad that Felix has gone to the Rainbow Bridge please say a purr for his family. We will be lighting a candle tonight in rememberance of all our friends at the Rainbow Bridge. ...

- Favorite Day Of The Week
Do you have a favorite day of the week?Mine...is Sunday!Hands down.  Best day.  Entire week. We usually reserve Sunday as a family day.We try to always stay home...and love when family comes for a farm visit. But even on the quiet Sundays when...

- Planning Ahead
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