Very Inspiring Blogger Award ~Scylla

Very Inspiring Blogger Award ~Scylla

Katie, from Glogirly: Tails of a Cat & Her Girl,  was nice enough to give me The Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I shall endeavor to inspire you today.

  1. Well first off I went from being a chubby girl, who the vet defended with us chubby girls have to stick together to (sigh) being an obese cat who was ordered to lose weight. I do not take orders well but in the best interest of my health I agreed to try.  I AM PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE I HAVE LOST 1 POUND!
  2. I don't like being bathed but I love being dried off with a towel
  3. Since I have started eating the diet cat food I am more active, I love playing with the laser light the Tuxedo Gang sent us.
  4. I was adopted when I was four weeks old along with Charybdis.
  5. My boyfriend is Brian of Brian's Home, he helps cats get adopted.
  6. I have problems with regurgitating my foods. When I went to the veterinarian Friday my ALT was high (133 U/L 12-130)  my ALKP (11 U/L 14-111) was low and my Na (169 mmol/L 150-165) was high, but the veterinarian isn't concerned about it at this time. Mommy is kinda worried as it seems to indicate something wrong with my liver.
  7. I once caught a hummingbird, I gave it to Daddy and after he showed it to Mommy he let it go. It was OK, I didn't hurt it.

PS: I  just wanted to let you know that Glogirly is a finalist in the 2012 Petties, read about it here. When we went to vote we were very pleased to note that many other blogging friends had been nominated too.

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