We are Furious with Rainsville, Alabama

We are Furious with Rainsville, Alabama

We learned about this from Jan at Jan's Funny Farm. Please read her post Carol Crocker's Rescue for more information.

A very nice lady in Rainsville, AL (northeast Alabama) has been taking in strays for the county as they do not have a shelter. Now because some mean people have been complaining, one of these mean people even burnt her house down killing 50 animals (you can read about it here, thanks for the link Jan's Funny Farm), the county is telling her she can only keep 3 animals and the rest will be killed!!!!! She needs to find homes for 100 dogs as soon as possible. Visit petfinder here to learn more.

The mayor has been recorded in court papers saying, "We knew what was going on but we had no where else to take the animals." Now, he wants her shelter abolished. Keep in mind there is no ordinance as to how many pets a person can have and there is no leash law. The city has taken her to court and won. The judge has ruled Carrol can have no more than 3 pets. She has appealed his ruling and the higher court has recently upheld the local judge's decision.

The Nov. 17 fire destroyed a house on property owned by Carol Crocker, who takes in abandoned animals in what she called the Green Acres Animal Shelter. Crocker said Wednesday that 12 disabled dogs on the house's porches were killed in the fire, while 10 more had to be euthanized because of injuries received in the fire. She said 38 cats were also killed.

Crocker, a retired flight attendant, said she is now living in a trailer and has 10 cats that survived the fire and nearly 60 dogs in fenced pens on her roughly five-acre property.

We are going to call the people in Rainsville and let them know nicely how wrong we think they are. Here is the contact information if you want to call too.

Rainsville City Hall
Located on McCurdy Avenue (Alabama Hwy 75) South, city hall is home to the mayor's office, the city clerk, the court clerk, and the revenue clerk. The city council meets there on the first and third Mondays of each month.
Phone: (256)638-6331

Here are pictures of some of the doggies that are losing their homes, she has kitties to and you can see some of their pictures at the petfinder website.

Thank you for letting us know about this JFF.

- Jan's Funny Farm: Carrol Crocker...urgent Need
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