We got The You Make My Day Award ~ The Cats

We got The You Make My Day Award ~ The Cats

Samantha & Tigger over at Life From A Cat's Perspective gave us (Scylla, Charybdis & Sockie~Pooh) this You Make My Day Award. Thanks Samantha & Tigger (you make our day too). The You Make My Day Award is presented to bloggers whose blog brings you happiness and inspiration and makes you feel happy about Blogland. The rules are to pass the award along to up to 10 Kitties. We would like to choose......
  1. Daisy the Curly Cat ~ she always brings a smile to our faces with her fashions.
  2. Adan ~ you can find him at Adan's Everyday.
  3. Chase over at Daily Tails of Chase ~ Chase is a therapy cat with an amazing story to tell.
  4. James Bond, Reverend Jim (RJ), and Puffy over at The Way of Cats. ~ Their human does the blogging, but they are passionate about having your pets spayed/neutered so every cat can have a home.
  5. Marilyn MonREOW at Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. She looks like Mommy's first cat, Snowball.

We want to thank Samantha & Tigger again as they made our day!

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