We were tagged for a MeMe

We were tagged for a MeMe

The first is The Three Name meme which Socks' girlfriend MoMo tagged us for. In case you aren’t familiar with The Naming of Cats, in the Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, by T.S. Eliot, we all have three names! In this meme, you must link to the originator of the meme, Tara, list the following rules, and then tell us:
1. The name that the family uses daily (such as Peter, Augustus, Alonzo, or James)
2. The name that is particular and more dignified (such as Munkustrap, Quaxo, or Coricopat)
3. What you are doing when you are thinking of the name that only you know, and will never confess (when engaged in rapt contemplation), that deep and inscrutable singular name
4. Then tag three cats to give their three names.

1. The family calls me Sockie~Pooh & Kitty.
2. My dignified name is Socks.
3. The last will never be in print. I think about it on rainy days when I am sitting in the window staring outside.

1. The family calls me Silly Scylla and Kitty~Cow (Daddy is very rude).
2. Scylla ~ According to Ovid, Scylla was once a beautiful nymph. Mean Circe turned her into a horribly grotesque sea monster, with six long necks equipped with grisly heads, each of which contained three rows of sharp teeth. Her body consisted of twelve canine legs and a cat's tail. I prefer to think they named me after the beautiful nymph and not the monster even if it did have a cat's tail.
3. The last will never be in print, but I think of it when I am laying in the jungle gym overlooking my kingdom.

1. The family calls me Crazy Charyb (pronounced car-rib) and Bunny (for the Energizer Bunny cause I keep going and going and going after everyone else is worn out).
2. Charybdis - Charybdis was originally a naiad, sea-nymph who stole Heracles' cattle until Zeus became angry, threw her into the sea and, as punishment, turned her into a sea monster. I am sure I was named after the sea nymph and not the sea monster.
3. I hardly ever contemplate anything I am too busy running around. But I think about my secret name just before I fall asleep in my nice comfy bed in the garage at night.

Since we think everyone we know has played we are tagging any cat that would like to play.

- Middle Name Meme
Socks tagged Scylla and Charlotte tagged Charybdis so we are going to do them both together Scylla will go first.You have to post the rules before you give your answers. You must list one fact about yourself beginning with each letter of your middle name....

- Middle Name Meme
I have been tagged by my sweetheart MoMo for the Middle Name meme. Here is how it works:You have to post the rules before you give your answers.You must list one fact about yourself beginning with each letter of your middle name. (If you don't have...

- Name Meme
I am doing the Name Meme. Here are the rules:Post a link to the kitty who tagged you (that would be Angus Mhor), and post the rules on your blog. List your real name, how you got your real name, nicknames you like/tolerate, and nicknames you wish your...

- Sockie~pooh Does The 7 Random/weird Facts About Yourself Meme!
Tigger and Samantha at Life From A Cat's Perspective tagged us for the 7 Random/Weird Facts About Yourself Meme!The rules are easy! Just link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog. Share seven random weird facts about yourself....

- It's Charybdis' Turn ~ 7 Random/weird Facts About Yourself Meme!
Tigger and Samantha at Life From A Cat's Perspective tagged us for the 7 Random/Weird Facts About Yourself Meme!The rules are easy! Just link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog. Share seven random weird facts about yourself....

