We were tagged for the PEACE MEME

We were tagged for the PEACE MEME

Join The Revolution
Here are the rules and the story.
(1) Copy this into a post
(2) ADD YOUR NAME to the bottom of the tag list.
(3) Tag at as many people as you'd like.

The Peace Globe project began in the fall of 2006 with a simple post from one blog, Mimi Writes. The post ignited a flame in the blogosphere. The flame became a passion. The passion became a movement. It amazingly traveled from blog to blog to blog across the globe. Bloggers wrote passionate articles on what peace means to them, along with the promise of three Latin words scribbled on a globe - Dona Nobis Pacem (Grant Us Peace) - branded with the integrity of their names or blog names. It was positively inspiring to watch. And it began to happen all over the world - from Singapore to China to Afghanistan to Brooklyn. It was simple. And powerful.

In less than three weeks bloggers from all across the globe will blog for peace.We will speak with one voice. One subject. One day.Won't you join us?November 6, 2008

Click here to get your globe and add your name to the list.
We tag everyone in our blog list.

- Dona Nobis Pacem
First off we want to thank MoMo and SS for making this lovely picture for us. We are very proud of it. Mimi had this wonderful idea to do a blog blast for peace. This is the fourth year and you can read all about it here. We really wish we could do something...

- Dona Nobis Pacem
We want to join all our furry friends who are blogging about peace today. Visit Mimi to find out how to get your peace globe. ...

- 8 Facts About Alasandra
Butch tagged me for a MEME so here goes. * We have to post these rules before we give you the facts. * Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves. * People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post...

- 8 Things About Alasandra
Angela over at Mother Crone's Homeschool tagged me for the MEME 8 Things About Me. The rules are simple…Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At...

- Be Careful What You Eat
The Boston Globe (link here is the International Herald Tribune, but it’s the Globe’s story) is reporting the tainted wheat gluten is in also in plants preparing food for human consumption: HT PetConnection ...

