We wish you a Meowy Chrismouse and a Howling New Year

We wish you a Meowy Chrismouse and a Howling New Year

We wish all our friends a very Happy Holiday and we hope that the New Year treats them good. We are crossing our paws that 2016 will bring health and happiness to all of you.  If you haven't already got our card please feel free to take it if you would like.

We created a movie out of all the email cards we got. We got tons of snail mail cards to and we want to thank all our friends for them. Unfortunately the Mom didn't have time to scan them in so they could be included in the movie. We will make a collage with them,  and share it at a later date. We hopes you understand.

We hopes you enjoyed our movie. ~ATCAD

An InLinkz Link-up

- I Am Watching Lucky Catastrophe, Are You?
CATastrophes is one of our favorite shows, we eagerly await a new episode. Now you may think Socks is the only one around here interested in watching CATastrophes, but we all love it. If you don't already you should subscribe here. Lucky CATastrophe...

- Holiday Cards From Our Friends Part Ii
Wow this year we got so many cards we had to do TWO videos. And SOCKS is tickled pink that HE got one more card than everyone else. Yep, one of the cards was addressed just to Socks. It made his year. We are astounded by the creativity our friends displayed...

- Meowy Chrismouse
We wish all our friends a Meowy ChrisMouse and a Howling New Year and may 2014 bring you much joy, peace and love. ~Tuiren, Socks, Scylla, Fenris & Mom Alasandra ...

- Chrismouse Cards From Our Friends 2013
This card is from Mommy's friend who walks Tuiren, while Mommy walks Fenris,  she has a black cat. We want to thank all our wonderful friends for sending us cards. Many sent lovely snail mail cards that aren't included in this post. We...

- Why Christmas Isn't Merry
by alasand I loved Mother Crone's, Gift Receiving Etiquette(or how not to swear at the relatives), so I decided to share my pet peeve, gift cards. I am not sure why people think gift cards are superior to cash, at least with the cash I get to DECIDE...

