

Every Spring I fall head over heels in love with a new batch of kids...and each year I sadly say goodbye to them as they head to new homes. This year is no exception. It looks as if our kids have all found new homes with the exception of one buckling. We still have plenty of people contacting us for goats, so chances are he will find a home also.This buckling, unfortunately, has found a home. He is one of our favorites. Becky calls him Kramer, because he is so tall and goofy. Jack calls him "Lambchop" because he looks a little more like a sheep than a goat. Kramer is larger than the rest of our kids and his ears are very long...hanging down instead of sticking up. He has one black horn and one white horn. He is incredibly friendly and will jump around on his hind legs like a dog when you visit his pen. One of his favorite games is to jump from rooftop to rooftop of the goat houses in their pen...his feet never touching the ground.

I suppose if we kept each goat that was a "favorite", we would never sell any goats and eventually would be over-run with them. So, sadly, we will say goodbye to our babies and look forward to more in the future.

- Rites Of Passage
Kids are born.They shakily learn to stand on their own feet. At first they stay close to their mothers for protection.Then they venture off.They mature.They become independent. They become adults.They have their own kids. And the cycle continues......Life....

- First Outing
For the next few months you will be seeing lots of goat pictures (I hope you don't mind!) To me, there is nothing cuter than a kid. They are so tiny and yet so well developed. Myrtle spends her whole day taking care of them....she even head-butts...

- Our Kids Are Growing Up!
Sadly, we all know that babies don't stay babies forever. This is the most recent photo of one of our favorite kids, Forrest. Forrest has been featured quite a bit here due to the fact that he was the first born. Know, he is as tall as O'Malley...

- Babies, Babies And More Babies!
All of our babies are finally born. You might remember that we had 5 fainting goat babies....previously pictured and videoed (ad nauseum!). In the past two weeks, our Dwarf Nigerian goats, Star and Ash, have also delivered. Each had 3 kids. Star had two...

- Nursery News
Our dear little goaties continue to grow each day. At first we were quite worried about Missy's little guy. He is the tri-color buckling in this picture. Becky thought that Missy had kicked him out of her womb before he was quite cooked. According...

